Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Liberators Event: TOTAL BR Ranking

The time has come to celebrate the few, the proud, the Total BR Champions! It's time to pit the total might of your entire legion against other dedicated Generals in the ultimate test of might. No savvy tactics, no shiny metals. Just pure brawn. We'll be measuring the strength of all your recruited Commanders, concluding on May 5th, with rewards dished out shortly thereafter.

We can’t wait to see Häyhä in action out on the battlefield, so we’re offering him away to three top BR champions on each server, along with a wealth of great goodies to those winners who make their way to the top.

FIRST PLACE - 200 Hayha CPs, 800k Gold, 800k Supples, 20 Chocolates
SECOND PLACE - 140 Hayha CPs, 500k gold, 500k supplies
THIRD PLACE - 100 Hayha CPs, 100k gold, 100k supplies
4TH – 10TH  PLACE - 100k gold, 100k supplies, 10 chocolate
11TH – 50TH PLACE - 100k gold, 100k supplies
51ST – 100TH PLACE - 50k gold, 50k supplies
101ST and above - 30k gold

This event is limited to our first ten servers temporarily, and will open soon on the later ones. Hang in there soldiers. Your hard work will soon be rewarded.

See you on the battlefield!
Play now!

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