1. Battles
Q: How do battles work in Liberators?A: Liberators is a turn-based strategy game. During the battle, you mainly have to concentrate strategic commander formations, the fighting itself is automatic.
Q: How many commanders can be on the battlefield at the same time?
A: Initially, you can send two commanders on the battlefield. As your level increases, a formation can consist of up to 5 Commanders.
Q: Can commanders trigger special skills during the fighting ? Do I have to trigger them manually?
A: The selected Army Captain will receive a 50 point Morale boost at the beginning of the battle. Each commander will release their unique skill automatically when their morale bar reaches 100.

2. Commanders
Q: How can I recruit a commander?A: There are 3 ways to recruit a commander. 1) Train with the commander and collect Commander Points. 2) The points can also be found in the Recruiting Office. 3) You can also visit the pub and buy commanders drinks to get more points.
Q: What are the basic Commander stats?
A: Commanders rely mainly on 3 attributes: Leadership, Intelligence and Strength. Leadership determines number of troops and Defensive prowess, Strength determines Attack and Defense capabilities, Intelligence determines Attack and Speed.
Q: How can I upgrade a commander's star rating?
A: Collect the required amount of Commander Points to upgrade his/her star rating. Once upgraded, commanders usually become much more powerful with improved skills and stat boosts.
Q: Can I change a commander’s skill or upgrade it?
A: A commander’s skill can’t be changed, but it can be improved! After upgrading a skill, your Commander will become much more powerful.
Q: How can I level up my Commanders?
A: Commanders can gain experience after every battle. If you want faster results, you can use EXP Books to get them there quicker. Commanders cannot surpass the player's total level.
5. Equipment
Q: What does equipment do?A: Each commander has an assigned units, and units can be equipped with 4 different items. After collecting the 4 required items, you will be able to upgrade to new unit equipment.
Q: Where can I get equipment?
A: There are 2 ways to get equipment. 1) To get equipment items is by killing enemy's in Soldiers of the Reich. 2) To produce them in your base or buy them in various shops.
Q: How can I upgrade Unit Equipment?
A: After equipping Commander Units with the required items, players can level up to the next equipment grade in order to boost unit stats.
6. Units
Q: How many different units are there in the game ?A: There are 10 different units: Riflemen, Paratroopers, Bazooka, Mortar, AT Gun, Recon, Machine Gun, Sniper, Tank and Artillery.
Q: Can I change a commander’s unit?
A: No, Commander Units cannot be altered.
7. Army Base
Q: How can I find my base?A: The base will be open to players as soon as they begin playing the game. You may switch back to the Base by clicking the compass icon in the lower right corner of the screen.
Q: What can I do in my base?
A: In the base, you can recruit commanders, buy rare items, produce items and resources, get supplies, etc.
Q: Can I change the position of buildings in my base?
A: Yes! A good base will not only produce tons of resources and supplies, it will also look beautiful and unique.
8. Alliance War
Q: How can I take part in an Alliance War?A: You need to be part of an Alliance if you want to join an Alliance War. Alliances between ranks 1-2 needs its leaders to declare war on other alliances. Higher ranks have no such limitations.
Q: How can I win the battle as the offensive side?
A: Destroy the headquarters of the city defenders.
Q: How can I win a battle as the defending side?
A: The priority of the defending side is to protect its headquarters from destruction. If there has been no attack on the battlefield for 3 minutes, the defending team will win.
1. About the Closed Beta
Q: When will the closed beta start?A: Liberators will start the closed beta in December 2015. Sign up now to gain free gift packs for the CBT!
Q: Will there be a data wipe after closed beta?
A: Yes, there will.
Q: Can I buy War Bonds in the closed beta?
A: Recharge is unavailable during the closed beta. You can earn sufficient War Bonds by completing Missions and Hot Events.
Q: What should I do if I encounter a problem in game?
A: Post about your problem in the official forum.
Q: Can I trade with others in-game?
A: This function isn’t available for the time being.
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