Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Five Places Where World War II Games haven't Gone (and should)

We stormed the beaches of Normandy. We siege to Berlin moved, took in the sky above the South Pacific, and have paved over the French hinterland. We have the Third Reich struck several times when we could count us and watched Tojo to give the face of nuclear power. Video games have done the Second World War.

But because the Nazis are always just about the best video game villains, it is doubtful, we have seen the end of this time. So, to keep things fresh, here are five previously unexplored places for where to put your next world war game.


In January 1939, Captain Alfred Ritscher, the third German Antarctic Expedition, a mission of the Nazi declaration on the Antarctic continent as German land led to establishing how it is going so far as to designate New Swabia. Planes were flying over very large areas of ice falling metal swastikas when they went. It is one of the strangest examples of territorial behavior in the story, so strange, that it scattered all kinds of conspiracy theories about the Nazi UFO fueled with bases across the floor of the South Pole. If that does not awesome game setting can not cry, I do not know what does. You could one of two ways to go with this; either total pulp to explore in the "Wolfenstein" tradition or as a tense point and click adventure about a lonely Allied soldiers the German bases in fact, there is not yet announced.


Egypt is to set at any time, a killer of a game. Pyramids, pharaohs, countless gods, the archaeological exploration of the country on the 19th and early 20th century - the place for games made. It seems that games manufacturers also ignores the fact that the British do not repelled one, but two separate invasions in the country, the first Italian led attempt to take it, and later Germany. In fact, the battle of El Alamein is recognized under Britain's first major victory against the Nazi army, and marked a turning point in the war in 1942. The siege of Egypt, from 1940 to '42, is the main material for, yes, a Ego shooter. Maybe if Infinity Ward goes back to its roots, you can start here. Try Invasion of Africa in Liberators Facebook!

Liberators Online


It seems natural that we would build video games around the actual activity of warfare, when a game to make. Warfare has established rules. There are things to do. I find it strange, but that no one has tried to make a game that despite the potential influence throughout Europe for and meaningful experience on civilian life. Luc Bernard, designer of "Eternity's Child", actually began work on a DS game called "Imagination is the only way out", a sidescrolling history of the Jewish experience during the Holocaust. Many balked at that, but the idea is sound. Czechoslovakia, especially the vibrant city center of Prague and the relocation of the Jewish community in the late '30s would make for an extremely strong game in the visual novel or adventure genre.

Hong Kong

It remains to be seen whether EA itself has a hit on its hands with "The Saboteur". Marketing for the game was clear, but most of the gaming world Mindshare ratcheted already dedicated this season to hit the shelves. People are getting their war on with "Modern Warfare 2" and all other their open world game is getting on with "Assassins Creed 2". If there must be an earner turns out, though, you can be sure there will be a sequel. Do we want to keep although Nazi Franco striking really in the heart of the regime? Certainly not. That's why we take this business to the other side of the world and a game about Japan occupied Hong Kong make. The watch-and-dagger business a saboteur of being could even ultimately lead to a major military conflict. It would be also Canadian and Indian soldiers of World War II a chance in a game to shine.

South America

This is a bit of a reach, since it technically a post-war setting. In the wake of Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds", I thought a lot about WWII games. "The Saboteur" comes close to that Nazi killin ambition to fulfill, but it does not explain the Nazi functionaries who escaped after the loss of the war. Then there is Frederick Forsyth Odessa theory. The organization of ehmaligen SS Angehoringen (organization of former SS members) should have their escape routes throughout South American countries like Brazil and Argentina. Imagine a "Assassins Creed" style game you anywhere around the Continent old SS members were chasing? That would be one-hundred-percent cool.

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