Sunday, March 20, 2016

Liberators: will you take your chance with me?

Games based on World War 2 are always popular. Implementations of the venerable mechanics as World in War to complex simulations like Battle of the Bulge there is already a range of games available. But Mutantbox think they can muscle in this crowded space with the latest released game: Liberators.

At first glance it looks like any other game based on the card. But then clearly linked to the empire building of classics such as Risk and Axis & Allies, it has its own unique approach. You move units on a map, trying to conquer territories which, in turn, provide income that you can spend on the troops. In a neat twist, once you have purchased a particular type of unit, it cannot be built again for several laps, which means you have to pre-plan your purchases carefully.

Different types of units are simple but effective model, and all units have an operational index value that affects their performance in combat. It decreases when they move or fight and increases if they are based. The value of this index is hidden on enemy units, creating a balance of information and open uncertainty. The mechanics of actual combat are completely hidden from the player, keeping things smooth and simple.

Indeed, the game and its interface are generally quite accessible. You can tap or drag units to their chosen destinations, and all the functions you need are easily accessible from the main screen. Everything seems good, even if the sound is awful with his martial band pompous terrible and almost no other audio files. There is a short but effective campaign tutorial to teach you how to play.
The games are generally scenario, each with its own map, the starting units and victory conditions. The campaigns are just a series of linked scenarios, separated by duff rather cut scenes. You get a short free campaign to try but have to pay for an upgrade to the premium for an additional three largest. Most scenarios included starting from vaguely historical positions, but there's no real aspect of simulation beyond, and with the full version, you can also build your own games.

Winning a campaign mission to unlock the next in the series. But in addition to a basic victory condition, there are often additional targets to try to answer in terms of speed or eliminated units. Success nets you points that are counted against a global military rank of style, and again individual achievements to unlock.

Liberators is as a great strategy game, which is certainly not. There is nothing like the depth of options or the length of game you expect from this genre. However, it does contain a nice amount of strategy for an empire-builder. Too many of these kinds of games are just attritional pieces for most of the territory. And while some open and custom modes game Liberators fall into this trap, most scenarios do not.

What makes them interesting is a combination of map, units from their different abilities and different victory conditions. It is not always clear or obvious how to achieve victory, and the AI ​​is good enough to beat you if you rush in without understanding the situation and a plan. And if you cannot find enough hard once you get to grips with the game, there are the hot seat or wireless modes to play against others.

In addition to the problems posed by specific scenarios, there are many common tactical puzzle to consider in the game. It's all about compromise. Reinforcements trickle slowly and take time to reach the front line, but you still want to push on and capture more territory. Small armies can spread widely, but are vulnerable to the larger centers, but bulkier troops. Weak front lines can be tempting to attack, but large reserves are an effective deterrent. The answers are rarely obvious.

The whole package is not exactly deep, but it strikes a good balance between the pleasures of power mongering and toothsome delights of the heaviest strategy games. It's a fine line to walk effectively, and it is that balance that sets this game apart from the crowd. Eventually you will find that there is not enough variety on offer to stop repeat setting, but there is a good amount of game like Liberators to have before you hit burnout.

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