Thursday, March 24, 2016

Liberators: a strategy puzzler that offers plenty of challenge

Liberators is a strategy game in real time with his back to the usual notion of building bases and construction units.

It also puts its back on fancy graphics, complex hierarchies of units, leveling up, and stories and just about everything you are used the RTS genre even more bizarre. In fact, it is devilishly simple, and really a lot of fun to play.

Located in the modern world, the game offers a set of scenarios 20 odd on a wired version of the world. But this minimalism is there for a reason. Designer RTS as a self-confessed nut, wanted to create a strategy game without the frills.

"Basic Building Toys can be fun but predictable," he said. "Building barracks, a powerhouse, your tank factory, then a second power plant. There are some interesting choices in it. With the basic building removed there is more time for interesting choices. I'm all about removing monotonous grinding and make every mouse click is an interesting decision. "

Each scenario offers a state-winner and a selection of hosts. These are very basic infantry and armor along with air support and the ocean. The units are 100-strong unit and is still as powerful as the other. If you have two units and your opponent has one, you win 100 percent of the time. The only exception is when a unit defending a city, in this case, it’s dual power.

The units have certain basic characteristics and unique. Only infantry can occupy towns. Armor moves quickly, but cannot cross oceans. Air power does not damage while supporting ground troops. These differences are at the heart of decision making of the attractions of the game.

There is a very basic economy. Cities generate cash, depending on their size, and you can build additional units. But they take a long time to arrive and then they can take a long time to move from low bases distributed to the action. I got used to it pretty quickly, and stopped the construction of entirely my strategies around the stacking units soon after. It is clear that while amassing power batteries is useful in many scenarios, it is usually to arrange logistics around military units you have been given.

The game offers a quick tutorial (I recommend turning off the aid as soon as possible.) At first, the game seems almost laughably simplistic. It also has some quirks of the user interface that take a little getting used to. But I found myself unable to resist returning to scenarios and play until I'm satisfied that I was whipped. Often, you can replay the scenarios different sides, and you can choose the AI ​​allies.

Liberators Online

Liberators is based on a globe, not a table version of the Earth, and thus the units are looking for ways that are unfamiliar to anyone who is used to, for example, the view of the risk of geography. Most scenarios I played demanded that I take a global view of events and seeks to make use of streams, like the real military does.

"The simplicity of the mechanics of the game is what sets Liberators apart in my mind, players can fully concentrate on the strategy of moving their armies about. Subsequent scenarios are very difficult. They are interesting because of the task to do and not because of the complicated tools to work with. "

In his heart, Liberators feels like a puzzle in which you move the pieces according to your own understanding of the solution. It is about taking time measurements and distance, solving problems that these two factors arise. The scenarios were set up for you to seek the non-obvious solution. Fortunately, the enemy AI can usually be relied upon to behave in a manner which seems logical, sometimes with units falling into a trap of being teased on a secure basis, but usually with the mind to stay put.

"I have always imagined the game to pass the puzzle character at a higher game level strategy in scenarios later, I think this puzzle element is very interesting. He really matter how you spread your units and time your battles. "

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