Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Liberators – A WW2 Risk-like Strategy Game

As many risk type games, Liberators in the middle of Europe in the 1930s and 40. Although it does not vary much from the axis configuration (excluding Japan) against the Allies brings Liberators a necessary polish and refinement in the kind of Android war strategy. I am a player of risk middle-of-the-road, somewhere between strategy and civilization, so I'm very excited for a pick-up and play mobile game without much detail.
Luckily, Liberators begins with a twist. You start the game in 1939 as a German general during the opening blitzkrieg war. You get the powerful German army to start and take control of northern Europe, and you find yourself in the desert trying to help your Italian allies. From there, you switch to the Allies in Russia in 1941. You Backtrack in Mother Russia until you are able to gather enough of your forces to repel. Finally, you gain control over the British and American forces, moving through Africa and Italy in Germany, freeing Europe.

Liberators events

There are circumstances that you provide in history, but they are hand drawn graphics most pleasant time covered with bad dialogue. They introduce you to the general behind the war (not factual), but leave much to be desired in the non-serious way, they talk about the war. Apart from the circumstances, the levels and the countryside are fairly short, but this is only the beginning as the game lets you play against the computer and local multiplayer and online in various pre-determined scenarios and self-created.
While the difficulty ramps up and down unpredictably in the single player campaign, there are hundreds of combinations you can play through Europe, Africa, and the Russian theaters to your own defined parameters; however, you cannot choose a random country to find on any map. The settings allow you to play as one or the other country on their specific card so that US and German armies can fight on the card Operation Overlord instead of, say, Russia and France.

Liberators play now

This is the type of small bump Liberators strikes more often than I would like. Limit your choices in the design-your-own-map gameplay is inexcusable not to allow your technology and military upgrades to continue on the next chapter in the single player campaign.
Compounding this difficulty by level was anything but predictable as I found myself in retirement and using delaying tactics in the second level of the game, but then wipe the floor with the French.
I would have a better dialogue that threw a wrench in the scenario WWII overplayed, but the levels are arranged well with a good mix of small, medium and large maps, and a variety of troops (tanks, planes, and a mix of infantry) keep logistics and tactics fresh war. We created a nice base for the other installments in the genre of Risk-like strategy, but there is much room for improvement to reach the Age of Empires and level of civilization.

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