Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Liberators: Free Strategy Game WW2

World War II has always been a popular setting pay video games and over the years, the theme was in ALL the genre virtually video games. So what kinds tells FPS Saw Fewer releases in recent years, no genre is popular who remains in the framework of the Second World War is the game in real-time strategy.
Experience all strategic and cinematic intensity of World War II invasion of Normandy to the conquest of Germany and more. Liberators includes a single player campaign too. Depth good and not intense multiplayer who you used to play the Americans either as the Germans.

Liberators review

There is much to love and Liberators examination, a fun, gorgeous, epic strategy war game alternately. The scale is just the graphics are really beautiful, and the whole game is so intuitive, I had to do refer to the manual TWICE. Some screenshots HERE. The review of the Liberators Is Game after pictures.

No surprise that the United States, Japan and Britain are the main fighters in the game. Deliciously goal, Hubert Cater game designer has included China, the USSR and several powers "minor" such as Australia, New Zealand and Burma. Campaigns like Operation Z cover the Pacific theater (meaning India to the west coast of the United States, Australia and New Zealand to Alaska) December 7, 1941 mid-1946. About 10 small campaigns cover specific battles such as Iwo Jima, Okinawa, Midway, Guadalcanal and Burma.

Saviors has an incredibly powerful scenario editor enable one to modify campaigns, or create new ones. It allows you to name the units, the introduction of ceilings on the number of each type of unit can be purchased and more. Because of the many scripts and settings Creation of new campaigns is complex. Purpose modifying existing ones is easy and fun.
Liberators Online

Liberators online  

This fun game is not only, uh, all fun and games, however. Would make some technical changes already this big really amazing play. Above all is the computer artificial intelligence (AI) lap length of about 10 minutes per round. Switch off the F3 some contained messages, each of which shows for about 10 seconds. This speeds up the AI ​​turn up some. The game requires a lot of extra keystrokes. For example, the construction of an aircraft carrier that has 5 Aircraft Advanced Naval Warfare 2 and 5-Long Range Aircraft requires 12 extra clicks. So far, so good. However, the purchase of two more similar too carriers will require 12 clicks each.

For me, at least, if my computer goes to sleep, he stops the game (if the game has been registered or not) requiring me to restart from the last backup explicit. Since a typical tower cycle (drive + AI) could be 25 minutes, it could lead to a great loss of time. Oh, and backup games takes some time. The games save SCCM not possible to find deleted. But a trick is that when the game dialog box opens, you can delete one or more existing games. Then, the save game dialog box opens the next time it loads much faster. Save-games have a date stamp, but no stamp. So if there is an automatic backup and play a saved game from the user from the date it is difficult to know who has been saved. And a very minor issue: engineers can build strong, but no roads or railways. So actually, which is a request to allow engineers to build roads and railways



  2. I think that quite a fun game. I especially liked the one indie PC strategy game.

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