Thursday, March 3, 2016

Release of World War II: Liberators

We are very proud to announce the release of Liberators. The strategy game looks fantastic and is really committed. For the past few months Frozen Shard - the game developers - work closely with our team works social functions to implement. Among them, the use of in-app purchases boosters is to manage sales on its first major mobile game.

The WW2 themed game is first released on Facebook, but is multi-platform be in the future to authorize the PvP game mode. The free-to-play nature "to achieve synergies well with the multi-platform feature, a large pool of PvP players for the multiplayer mode" as they explain in their successful Kickstarter campaign. Another important factor is their users to keep busy the use of push notifications in the game.

The game is in alpha stage at the moment and the closed beta at the end of November. We are excited to see it, make your Facebook account!

Liberators set among famous historical events that took place during the war. You are in WW2 history to sink the real units, weapons, heroes, places and campaigns play. Empower the 6th Ranger Battalion, use a Mosin-Nagant, build a large Gustav or on their own, Operation Sealion take.

Choose your faction, and start building your platform with all the famous German, Russian, American and Japanese weapons. To spice things up a bit, you can also mix cards from different factions in your deck! To check out here the game's trailer video click.

Play Liberators WW2

There are two game modes:

  • Single Player Campaign
  • Multi-player: PvP combat cross-platform

The single player mode consists of 100 Warfare missions in 10 campaigns distributed, based on historical military events of the 2nd World War. Recruit famous units from various factions, climb the military ranks and many characters make you lift it help your own army during the campaign games.

play all campaigns and feel unique, thanks to the 4 different campaign types: acquisition, survive, sabotage, Search & Destroy.

The multiplayer mode will be a cross-platform online gaming experience. Will also an offline mode to play against your friends are, so you can play anywhere, anytime.

Liberators WW2

Best WW2 Games

Liberators has three types of cards that you will use to build your army. Units, products and orders make strategically combining Deck powerful. To ensure the collectability aspect of the game, there are 4 different cards Rarities: frequent, rare, rare and epic.

# 1 Unit cards are the backbone of the game. Posted attack your enemies and to defend themselves against the attacks of the enemy. You have three statistics - damage, defense and promotion costs.

Promotions will undoubtedly be an important factor for your game strategy, use them wisely!

# 2 Item cards can be connected to form a unit - a maximum of 2 pieces per unit. For only 1 action point to equip the first element, but if you want to attach a second, you have to spend two action points. Item no promotion costs to promote it automatically when the device is working.

# 3 order cards have an immediate impact when played. Crank up their performance with additional action points when throwing them. Orders are of crucial importance that when cards as played to change a losing game into a victory.

Discover more than 80 skills on all types of cards. Bring an item with abilites into one unit, and it will add its own.

Through a series of tutorial missions you are enough cards to win your first card game for no cost to build, in honor of the free-to-play mechanics.

Unique Gameplay

The clean gameplay mixes some of the best features of traditional trading card games with a touch of military strategy, which makes the game really fun to play and challenge.

Instead of repeating the standard tedious resource system, you get three action points each corner spend your way to victory to develop. The more blown effects cost extra Action Points, so use them wisely to:

Place one unit on the battlefield
Bring an item to a unit
Promote a unit
Cast Order

The Battlefield

Where the action of the game takes place. Each player has a support Lane - where you deploy units - and an attack Lane - where the units can fire - with 3 sockets each.

Start phase

Six new cards from your deck to your hand action and your 3 action points are placed to fill. All units in the support Lane to move automatically to the attack Lane if the spot is available.

main phase

Spend playing your 3 action points, maps or update units. Use all your action points before to move the combat phase, or you will lose them!

combat phase

the Attack Button beat the attack of all your units on the attack Lane and artillery units in support Lane trigger. If your units directly damage the opponent without resistance. If units fight attackers damage busy and then strike back even the enemy, if they are not Lane in the attack. The battle ends with all destroyed units and all the cards not used by hand action on the bottom of the deck recycled.

Endless River Cards

The point which has no cemetery in WW2TCG is to recycle at the bottom of the deck all the cards unused used hand in your action at the end of the train in combat or remained, were destroyed. With this feature, developers want to "emphasize the importance of the units as well as a variety of ways with respect to the strategy to promote open".

If you made it this far, I'm sure you want to know more about the game, and it's creator. Here is a resource list of links you will find interesting if you want to update to the current state of the game.

Games you play the game on the Facebookk, or MutantBox.

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